Thursday, May 14, 2009

Latest Plan for 2 Phase design

This is what the waveforms look like for the proposed two phase design. The goal is to have 18 volts peak to peak at less than 60 rpm and get as high a power output as possible.

The Circuit Schematic looks like this

The new plan is to have 18 coils; nine for each phase.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wire tests

The 24 AWG wire seems to be a waste of time for these generators. It has too high of resistance and even though the voltage is very high, the power is so low that it doesn't compensate. So now I am trying some 15 AWG wire that I got for a low price on ebay. It seems to work well as long as I have large coils. I can get about 2 volts per coil at 60 rpm and if I have 9 coils per phase then that is 18 volts peak to peak per phase. Here is a scope picture of voltage versus time for two coils at 42 rpm.